
Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Oddball Word of the Day

Truth be told, I haven’t been writing lately. My mind is discombobulated with my retail job, wedding plans, saving money to move out of my mom’s house, looking for a new career, and SNOW. While I love the pure crystal beauty of a white wonderland and the fresh crispness of icy air, the south is never prepared for winter weather this “severe.”

So yes, Monday went by without a topic. No writing means no research means no learning. Shame on me! Especially since being snowed in is ideal for catching up on said writing. I have no excuses, really.

Today’s word is…


I found this word in a thesaurus once. I had no use for it (can’t imagine who would), but it was so strange and had no identifiable root word in my vocabulary.

It means, “relating to charity, derived from charity, or dependent on charity.”

I think I’ll just use altruistic if I’m feeling daring.

According to the automatic result when I searched Google for “eleemosynary origin” –

“Late 16th century (as a noun denoting a place where alms were distributed): from medieval Latin eleemosynarius, from late Latin eleemosyna ‘alms,’ from Greek eleēmosunē ‘compassion’ (see alms).”

Its meaning makes a bit more sense now that I know of its relation to alms.

If anyone can utilize it naturally in a sentence, please share. I’d love to read it.


Today’s deviant ditty:
“Sacrimony (Angel of Afterlife)” by Kamelot

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